Student Spotlight

Dakota Parnell
Major: PharmD with a dual MBA degree Graduating in 2026
Hometown: Bluefield, West Virginia


What are you involved in at Marshall?

I’m student ambassador for the School of Pharmacy, and I have worked alongside other students as part of the Marshall Medical Outreach program, a student-led health clinic that provides free medical services to those in need in the Huntington community.

I have also served as Student Executive Council chair at the School of Pharmacy and have held leadership roles in Phi Delta Chi, Rho Chi, APhA (American Pharmacists Association), ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) and Phi Lamda Sigma.

Why are you glad you chose Marshall?

The relationships I have formed that will last a lifetime. Marshall has presented me with many opportunities that I could’ve never imagined were available.

What has helped you get here? Any scholarships or other forms of support that have allowed you to attend Marshall?

The support from friends, family and staff has gotten me where I am today. The Promise Scholarship was a big financial help while completing my undergraduate coursework. I was also blessed to receive MUSOP’s Early Assurance Scholarship.

Favorite experiences as a Marshall student?

Pulling all-night study sessions with many of the friends I have made along the way.

Tell us what you’re passionate about — why do you love it, why is it important and what should people know about it that they might not realize?

I am passionate about athletics and staying active. Particularly, I am passionate about football and baseball, as I grew up watching and playing. Having the opportunity to play again as a part of intramurals gives me the energy I need to get through the challenges of the course load.

Plans for the future?

I want a career path that I can enjoy and will allow me to have a family. I want to get married and have kids in the future. I am leaving my career options open to accommodate the life I want to live, but I am considering nuclear pharmacy, clinical pharmacy or opening my own pharmacy.

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